Samaneh Maddah

Mindfulness teacher

                                                                                                                                   MBSR Specialist 


About Me

Samaneh holds a Masters degree in Evidence-based Social Interventions from the University of Oxford and is a certified mindfulness teacher from the Mindfulness Network, Bangor University.

She started her contemplative practice in 2008  with a heart-based practice and in 2013 became a trainer. Since then she has held many practice sessions with individuals and groups and has co-organized a number of international training courses.

Samaneh’s background in evidence-based approaches and her interest in holistic well-being has motivated her to explore the robust research base of mindfulness as a tool for creating mindful communities, whether it’s the workplace, school or a small community. Over the years she has tried to share what she has gained through years of practice and study with others, helping them find peace and balance amidst busy lives.

Samaneh holds workshops internationally for general public and organisations.

Samaneh Maddah

You are invited to a free one-hour taster session

Before signing up for any of the below courses, you are invited to a free one-hour taster session where I brief the potential participants on what mindfulness is and is not, walk them through the scientific evidences behind the practice and elaborate on “whys” and “ hows” of the practice. This session is organized to give everyone a better understanding of what they can expect from any given course, the philosophy behind and benefits.

All courses can be offered either in-person or online according to the preference of the participants.

Most courses are group-based. Some individual courses can be offered for those who might not able to attend the group training due to scheduling conflict or find group settings challenging.

All courses require some home practice.


An introduction to mindfulness

The course offers a brief taste of mindfulness practice and theory. Anyone with an initial interest in exploring some key mindfulness themes can benefit. The course is delivered over three weekly sessions, each 1.5 hours.

This can serve as a good start and can be continued with any of the other detailed courses depending on the needs of the person.


The course is offered over eight weekly sessions, each 1.5 hours.

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

MBSR is a specialized mindfulness training programme developed back in 1979.  It is the most widely recognized mindfulness training across the globe and a well researched area. The course is beneficial to anyone who seeks to take better care of themselves and live healthier and more adaptive lives. It can be particularly helpful for people who suffer from stress, anxiety and depression. MBSR entails an educational rather than therapeutic orientation.

Some potential benefits of the course are:

  • A reduction in worry, anxiety & impulsivity
  • An increase in optimism, relaxation & awareness
  • Improved self-care
  • Decreased burnout
  • Improved sense of well-being

The course is offered over 8 weekly sessions and each session is 2:30 hours.

Finding peace in a frantic world

The course is suitable both for complete beginners or people who may have a prior experience. This format provides an experiential, group learning environment and can be offered in shorter sessions thus making it possible to deliver the course in the workplace. Across the course you will learn and practice:

  • How to move from living on autopilot to being in the present moment
  • How to be more responsive rather than reactive
  • How to nourish inner kindness and compassion
  • How to understand stress and self-regulate your moods

The course is offered over eight weekly sessions, each 1:00 to 1.30 hours.

Lets Learn Together

For any questions or comments I can be reached via email or LinkedIn. I would be glad to connect and assist.

Samaneh Maddah